Mage and minions code 1492
Mage and minions code 1492

mage and minions code 1492
  1. #Mage and minions code 1492 how to
  2. #Mage and minions code 1492 full

It was speculated that some of his remembrances were implanted in his mind by Mystra, to best facilitate his transformation to the instrument of her will that the Realms truly needed. Įlminster's memories may not entirely have been his own, however. He was also blessed with an eidetic memory, that allowed him to recall information from years past in quite an impressive manner. El was exceptionally intelligent-a gift that was bolstered by multiple castings of the wish spell.

mage and minions code 1492

Abilities īefore he devoted his life to the Mystran faith or began his wizardly studies, the young Elminster possessed the innate ability to heal himself and detect magical auras at will. Sarsauce fowl, a baked fowl dish, was one of Elminster's favorite foods found in the Realms, second only to fire-seared barbfin or smoked salmon. As one of Mystra's Chosen however, Elminster did not actually need to sleep. He was considerate enough to magically mute himself during sleep if it would disturb his friends. One of El's personality quirks was that he snored loudly while sleeping.

#Mage and minions code 1492 how to

According to El, mages should further their studies to best understand how to avoid using the arcane power they had their disposal. While El grew up hating magic, especially those that wielded it for their own selfish ends, he garnered a profound appreciation for the Power and the Art during his studies. He truly cherished the wonder and beauty of the natural world. Įlminster extolled the virtues of tolerance, peace, and freedom from oppression.

#Mage and minions code 1492 full

Most often Elminster chose to only reveal the full range of his character to his close friends and companions. El was a natural raconteur and actor, and could take on the role of father figure, a wily trickster, an immoral rake, or any other clichéd role that served his needs at the time, or else on a whim to elicit a reaction from others. At all times he was said to be wholly fearless and entirely forthright with others. Personality ĭepending on the circumstances, Elminster could be as equally serious, fearsome, or arrogant, while just as often demonstrating exceptional charm, cleverness, and good-natured humor. While Elminster was capable of taking on almost any appearance imaginable, even that of a certain beholder he once slew, he often preferred to travel in a less conspicuous manner, often utilizing invisibility and shapechange spells. He preferred to wear plain clothes, like simple black or gray robes. In his later years, the elderly Elminster began to show his age, with his gruff voice and weathered features, but remained alert. El had vibrant blue eyes set under big bushy eyebrows that turned blue-gray later in life. He had a shock of stark black hair in his youth, and maintained a beard through most of his years that eventually went gray in his old age.

  • 10.2.7 Organized Play & Licensed AdventuresĮlminster's most notable feature was his hawk-like nose, which distinguished him since his youth, throughout the years he spent as a woman, and well into manhood.

  • Mage and minions code 1492